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  • New Line Cinema


  • Warner Bros. Canada

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(...) qui confine à l'incohérence, inspire un quasi copier-coller des péripéties du premier épisode, alourdi par de trop nombreux retours en arrière.

Louis-Paul Rioux Lire la critique complète

La Presse

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N'empêche, on salue l'enthousiasme et le respect d'Andy Muschietti pour l'oeuvre de King (...).

Chantal Guy Lire la critique complète

Cinema Blend

Très bon
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IT Chapter Two falls into the classic sequel trap of overemphasizing what worked in the past instead of fully committing to the future.

Eric Eisenberg Lire la critique complète


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The clown is back, and the kids have grown up in part two of Stephen King's monster novel, which inspires an overlong, but suitably scary sequel.

Peter Debruge Lire la critique complète

Rolling Stone

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The sequel to 2017's horror hit once again pits the Losers Club, now adults, against Stephen King's psycho-killer clown -- but a nearly three-hour run time dulls the terrifying effects.

Peter Travers Lire la critique complète

The Hollywood Reporter

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A moviegoer who just sat for 169 minutes is loath to say it, but there needs to be more of this It -- just not in this form.

John DeFore Lire la critique complète

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While I felt wanting for some more detail and conflicted over the abundant use of the young cast, IT: CHAPTER TWO left me with a ton of great impressions (...).

Paul Shirey Lire la critique complète

The Wrap

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Pennywise's impersonation of Beverly's abusive father generates more scares than all the CG insects money can buy.

Dan Callahan Lire la critique complète


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It needed to thread the horror and tension more expertly for such a journey to stay in the mind of the viewer.

Angelica Jade Bastien Lire la critique complète