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La mise en scène fonctionnelle profite néanmoins des magnifiques paysages hawaiiens, et l'interprétation est tantôt sympathique, tantôt horripilante.

Médiafilm Lire la critique complète

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Une exaspérante et superficielle comédie romantique que n'arrivent pas à sauver Adam Sandler et Jennifer Aniston. L'être cher ne risque pas d'être content si on l'invite à voir ça le jour de la Saint-Valentin.

Martin Gignac Lire la critique complète

La Presse

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Si les images paradisiaques d'Hawaï font rêver certains, la romance à deux sous en fera soupirer plus d'une et les mimiques d'Adam Sandler feront s'esclaffer les autres, Just Go With It demeure un film divertissant, mais sans réelle envergure qu'il vaut peut-être mieux attendre de visionner lors de sa sortie en DVD.

Catherine Schlager Lire la critique complète

Cinema Blend

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Just Go With It is too watered down to be raunchy or angry and its premise is far too cartoonish and silly ever to tug at anyone's heart strings. It contains laughs, a few moments here and there which really do seem to work. Yet, this is a movie which doesn't care enough about any of its characters to show what happens to them.

Josh Tyler Lire la critique complète

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I don't know what it is with Adam Sandler, and why he's been able to cast such a spell over the average moviegoer the way he has, with all of his films of almost all of his comedies since the late nineties grossing over $100 million apiece.

Chris Bumbray Lire la critique complète

The Hollywood Reporter

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Predictable, overlong romantic farce has enough sass and sex appeal to get audiences to go with it.

Todd McCarthy Lire la critique complète

USA Today

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Yes, the plot hangs by a thread and the entire movie comes undone if one person acts like an adult. But that may be too much for the man who brought life to The Waterboy.

Scott Bowles Lire la critique complète

The New York Times

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Which pretty much sums up both the appeal and the limitations of this passive-aggressive, naughty but nice, sometimes obnoxious and occasionally quite funny late-winter romantic comedy.

A. O. Scott Lire la critique complète