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  • Universal Pictures
  • Legendary Pictures


  • Universal Pictures

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Mâtiné d'humour noir, ce récit d'horreur inspiré d'une légende autrichienne devrait faire plaisir aux grincheux de Noël. 

Médiafilm Lire la critique complète


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(...) Krampus isn't especially scary, but it generates goodwill nonetheless for treating its home-invasion-for-the-holidays setup with an appreciably straight face.

Justin Chang Lire la critique complète

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For fans of Dougherty however, it is a clever bit of holiday fear with laughs - and a little bit of tension - that should fill your stocking nicely.

Jimmy O Lire la critique complète

The Hollywood Reporter

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Krampus is not exactly likely to become a feel-bad Christmas perennial. But it's not a complete lump of cinematic coal, either. 

Frank Scheck Lire la critique complète

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In the grand scheme of holiday-related films of note, Krampus is neither as creepy as Love The Coopers nor as sadistic as Home Alone and it feels as if it is maybe one or two rewrites away from being the alternative classic that it clearly wants to be. 

Peter Sobczynski Lire la critique complète

The Wrap

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After early promise, both laughs and scares are few in this tale.

Robert Abele Lire la critique complète

Cinema Blend

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Though there's nothing particularly scary, especially for even a moderately seasoned horror fan, there are a handful of eerie practical special effects, and while you're in the middle, it's fun.

Brent McKnight Lire la critique complète

Entertainment Weekly

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Krampus wants to be an irreverent horror-comedy, but it's too sentimental and too broad to hit the heights of Joe Dante at his best. 

Darren Franich Lire la critique complète